Example 1:
I will back to Japan in June (incorrect)
I will go back to Japan in June (correct)

Example 2:
I will back to home (incorrect)
I will go back home (correct)

Tips: Back is not a verb! So you must use the verb “ go “ +“back” when talking about returning somewhere such as your house or your home country.


Example 1:
I attend to Osaka University (incorrect)
I attend Osaka University (correct)

Example 2:
I like to go to shopping (incorrect)
I like to go shopping (correct)

Tips: For some reason the word “to” often appears in places it is not necessary. You can never “attend to “a certain place. You must use attend + school / class/ event. For example “I attend English class everyday” or “I attend my local high school “


Example 1:
Yesterday I went to watch some flowers at the park. (incorrect)
Yesterday I went to see some flowers at the park. (correct)

I went to the museum to watch some paintings (incorrect)
I went to the museum to see some paintings. (correct)

Tips: It's very common to get watch and see confused. Typically watch is used when watching something that is moving or changing. For example “I am watching TV” we would NOT say “ I am seeing TV” Another example of this is “ I am watching World Cup Soccer” we would NOT say “ I am seeing World Cup Soccer”
