Weekend, today was a great day to me finally I can eat meat for past 6 days we cannot eat because of dieting. So, last Thursday and Friday I only ate vegetables which made me feel of loosing weight but only few. So today is more fun to everyone and I have visited office to have my first meal of the day and waited for my man to man tutorial class.

Besides, I felt damn relieved when I tasted my favorite fast-food teriyaki burger. Moreover, I have met my student and she was ready to start our lesson and my first task was to check her memory because most students number enemy is their memory some of them are chicken head which means two seconds memory or next day they cannot remember the lesson topics.

Well, she did a good job for the reason that she answered all of my questions fluently and correctly. So, I gave her another work to do and more questions. Also, I gave her some sample answers to support her ideas. She felt satisfied but I felt exhausted during the class maybe because I need more rest but I still kept on working during my holidays.

Furthermore, after our lesson my next student arrived and they were friends so they talked for a while and I went to drink some cold water to relieved my thirst. Then, I started to have my lesson with her and we have practiced pronunciation and sample sentences but I felt she want to give up her studies because she is considering to go back in her hometown to meet her parents and boyfriend.

Nevertheless, she need TOEFL score and I kept on encouraging her to extend her patients with her studies to achieve her dream about work in Canada or USA but I am not sure if she will accept or reject my suggestion.

Likewise, I am hoping that she will follow me. Sometimes giving advices to students is the most crucial part of my job because we do not want student to think we invade their plans or want to change everything.

On the other hand, they should not also forget that as a teacher we can be their second parents or significant others in times of crisis. Well it is their choice or decision but I have tried to convinced her to stay but if will go then I cannot hold her. Now, I felt so exhausted because of Monday and I do not want to work .